12 February 2015

Throw Back Thursday

Today I attempted to start a massive project.

Aside from what I needed to print for school, I have not printed a single photo in seven years. 

I also have not organized my photos. I do have them backed up on an external hard drive...but I really don't know where anything is. And so, today I decided that now is the time to organize, sort, delete...all of that fun stuff. 

First I had to find everything. 

As I opened up the computer and looked at the many thousands of photos I have accumulated many memories were brought to mind. I smiled, laughed and maybe even shed a few tears. 

What really stood out to me is how fast time has gone by. I mean seriously fast. I quickly scrolled through holidays, birthdays, and numerous road trips. My kids lives flashed before my eyes and I realized how soon they will be grown and gone. 

This was my first "photo shoot" with all four of my kids. I remember thinking how getting four kids to look at the camera at the same time was an impossible task and wondering how long it would take me to get a really good shot of all four of them (still waiting!). 

The baby can't wait to turn eight this year and the oldest has started making plans for university... 

I have put off organizing until tomorrow and am heading out to start the after school run and spend the afternoon hanging out with four of the coolest people I know.