02 December 2013


I find it amazing that it is already December.

I love looking back on the year that I have had and seeing all of the changes I've made and seeing how much I have learned. This year in particular has been huge for me.

I think the 5000 km physical change I made has been matched by an equally huge internal change.

I am so happy.

I was happy before but this is different. I feel energized. The more changes I make the more excited I get about learning and growing even more.

I am so excited that I have finished my university degree (I am now looking into graduate schools). I am so excited about photography school (I am learning so much). I am so excited about family and friends and sharing my home with others. I feel more committed to doing the things that I know are right. I find myself looking at people differently. I have learned so much about kindness and friendship and love. I look at my kids differently. I feel so grateful for the fourteen years I had at home with them and I feel excited about discovering a new balance in being with them and getting out and talking to other people. I have been learning so much from the people I have been meeting.

I have realized that for years I made my family and home an island. A safe place. There is nothing really wrong with that; but, I have been learning how much more fun and interesting it is to let more people into my life. I have discovered that I can learn new things from basically everybody I meet. I feel almost childlike - full of wonder and curiosity. It is so fun.